
A flight to Calgary


‘Oh.’ Ebert looked disappointed, and I knew from his expression that he, as well as the sick man, was lonely for news of the ‘outside’ - news of Nairobi. And in Nairobi people only wanted news of London. Wherever you are, it seems, you must have news of some other place, some bigger place, so that a man on his deathbed in the swamplands of Victoria Nyanza is more interested in what has lately happened in this life than in what may happen in the next. It is really this that makes death so hard - curiosity unsatisfied. But if contempt for death is correctly interpreted as courage, then Ebert’s dying friend was a courageous man.


5-hour flight started with David Tao’s Live Album Soul Power. Amazed by the fact that the songs, the live performance of David Tao and his band (shoutout to Jimmy, the guitarist and the drummer), the high quality of the audio as well as the new arrangement of the songs were from the beginning of millennium (2003), almost the same time 李屏賓&侯孝賢 shot 千禧曼波 / Millennium Mambo (2001). it’s so fascinating when looking back 20 years ago, the anticipation, the excitement of unknown, and even being lost or being threatened by the “Y2K scare” make people, at least me, digital nostalgia.


  • “Project” Mindset: plan (multi-) year-long project.
  • with one done, you are not scared of the next.
  • how many friends do you really need?



有一些属于经历或者经验类,你没有,那你就去做,做了就有了。比如化妆,比如旅游,比如上网。当然了,这些东西也存在熟练和不熟练的区别,但本质上差别不大。比如化妆,你又不打算当化妆师,不如别人就不如呗,反正也不是啥特别重要的事情。其他也是一样的。我高中毕业后才申请的第一个QQ号,很多同学都惊讶,你竟然没有QQ,我们都是小学就有了。当我没有的时候,我确实觉得,天啊我怎么可以到现在才有QQ,我比大家差远了。 有一些是属于能力类的,你没有,就需要你努力踏实长时间付出,然后你才可能有。比如学业、科研能力、阅读积累、英语表达、一个非常拿得出手的特长等等。 另外一些,则属于门槛资源类的,比如别人就是可以大一就拿到你研究生都拿不到的实习等等,这个没什么好说的。 当我们陷入了这种焦虑之中,我们想要追赶他人,更倾向于去做的是第一类,也就是经历、经验类,而非第二类,即能力类。 因为人总是倾向于去做更容易的事情,尤其是你陷入了迫切希望短时间内赶超他人的情绪之中后。 然而,这类事情,几乎没有任何门槛,只需要你去做而已。我没有QQ号,注册一个就有了;我从来没去过健身房,去一次就去过了;我没化过妆,淘宝30块钱买一个小白全套就有第一次了…… 然后,很多人就会陷入到这种“经历增加”的短平快刷成就的乐趣中,好像看着别人经历过但自己没经历过的事情从“待办事项”中一个个划掉,自己就跟别人的差距越来越小了。而且这种差距缩小,是在快乐又轻松的“假忙碌”方式中完成的。 当你发现自己跟优秀同学差距依旧显著时,你会觉得,你好像做了很多努力去赶上别人,为什么依旧没能赶上? 这时,你忽然想起你们的第三项差距——那就是资源门槛的差距。于是你“悟”了,我就说,我们的差距一直都是在资源和门槛上的,难怪我这么努力都无法赶上人家。 但是,这种“假忙碌”和上面讲的“假学习”一样,并不是真正的努力。真正需要关注的,是第二类能力上的差距。只是这个差距的弥补,从来都不是通过短平快的方式,是真的需要踏踏实实去做很长时间来积累的。

That’s why I am so appreciated with skills or capacity that were gained by day-by-day practice. BJJ, Woodworking, etc. Also, in terms of travel, it’s not where you go, how many places in your wish list, it’s people you meet and friends you travel with. The memory is created by people.


Always nice to meet old friends. Last time met G was 5 years ago, pre-covid era. And you see yourself from your friend’s eye, from what you talk to you friend. Nos Vemos en Barcelona.



这种例子很多,比如: 大部分人并未实现财务自由,但极少有人愿意去思考金钱的本质,探索财富的来源,只会因为“快钱”的形式或者是那些数字就是“财富”。 本质来讲成年人在生活中至少一半的烦恼与金钱相关,比如明明不喜欢自己当下的工作,却离不开当下工作所提供的薪水;想旅居一段时间,却无法承受失去稳定的收入;想去海外旅行,想换最新款的手机,但是再想想钱包,还是算了。 这是结果吗?不是,结果则是 —— 愿意花更多的时间去寻找一份稳定的、提供高薪的工作,花时间去卷,但不愿探究、思考金钱和财富的本质。


在一个新的地方,远离center of cosmopolitan of the universe, 似乎节奏会慢下来, 很多事没必要急。

  • at Monogram Coffee - Downtown Calgary *