
Ana Magdalena Bach

她擦干脸,打量着镜中自己的乳房,它们依然浑圆饱满,尽管自己已经历过两次生育。她用双手手掌边缘向后拉紧脸颊的皮肤,试图回忆起自己年轻时的样 子。她假装没看到脖子上那早就难以修复的皱纹,然后检查了渡轮上享用午餐后刚刚刷过的完美牙齿。她在除过毛的干净腋窝处擦上祛味香氛剂,穿上口袋绣 着“AMB”字母的清爽棉衬衫,梳理了一下齐肩的 深色头发,用印有飞鸟图案的三角巾扎成马尾辫。最后,她在嘴唇上涂抹凡士林润唇膏,用舌头蘸湿食 指,将平杂乱的眉毛,在两侧耳后点涂“东方木”香 水。终于,她在镜中遇见了一副秋日母亲般的面容。 肌肤上没有任何化妆品痕迹,呈现出蜜糖般的颜色和 纹理,黄玉色的眼睛在葡萄牙式深邃眼睑的映衬之下,显得十分美丽。她细细打量自己,毫不留情地评判自己,最后确认自我感觉良好。她重新戴上戒指和手表后才发现迟了;再过六分钟就到四点了,但她还 是为自己留出一分钟的追忆时间,对着令人昏昏欲睡 的氤氲湖水中一动不动的鹭鸟沉思。

William Stoner

In his extreme youth Stoner had thought of love as an absolute state of being to which, if one were lucky, one might find access; in his maturity he had decided it was the heaven of a false religion, toward which one ought to gaze with an amused disbelief, a gently familiar contempt, and an embarrassed nos- talgia. Now in his middle age he began to know that it was neither a state of grace nor an illusion; he saw it as a human act of becoming, a condition that was invented and modified moment by moment and day by day, by the will and the intelligence and the heart.

Ana Magdalena Bach’s 欲望

“这是我母亲的遗骨。”她说,早就料到他会被吓到。“你别害怕。”她说,“母亲什么都明白。其实我觉得,她是唯一的明白人,当她决定让大家把她葬在 那座岛上时,就早已明白了一切。”


(Wacom pad + Tayasui Sketches)
